Going All In Underground in Minecraft
One of the coolest things about Minecraft is that if you plan correctly, you can spend almost the entire game underground. You’ll miss out on a lot of the “above ground” activities, but the added challenge of surviving without access to the resources you’ll find on the surface gives the game an interesting twist. I decided to give it a try with a brand new survival mode game. Of course, you always spawn above ground, so I decided to give myself the following challenge: spend only the first day above ground, and then head deep underground when night fell, never to let a ray of sunshine touch me again. I’m going to give myself an easy “out” which is that I can return to the surface at night, but only if I really need to. So I guess I’m playing as a vampire…or zombie! Here’s where I spawned, out in a field with some flowers by the ocean. Over in the distance, the sun is rising over a village. That will help with getting some easy starting resources, especially if ...