How to Use a Treasure Map in Minecraft

A few days ago I was searching through a chest I found in a partially-sunken shipwreck in Minecraft. I spotted a yellowish piece of paper inside -- a buried treasure map ! I usually ignore them because I've heard the loot is not that wonderful, but this time I decided to search for the buried treasure because I wanted a Heart of the Sea . Why do I want a Heart of the Sea ? Because they're awesome. Why are they awesome? Because you need a Heart of the Sea to craft a conduit. And everyone should have a conduit. This is why: because conduits are like super-amazing-awesome sources of power underwater, and even above-ground when it's raining. If you activate a conduit inside a conduit frame, it provides all kinds of cool underwater survival powers, like water breathing and protection from underwater mobs. This chest inside a shipwreck held a buried treasure map. Anyway, I got the buried treasure map and began searching around for the treasure. Finding the general s...