Installing Skyrim Mods

Sort of old advice, but if you're looking to install Skyrim Mods, here is some simple advice. This is for the older version of the game.

You can find a selection of Mods at Skyrim nexus, and a fantastic choice around the Web. Almost all mods are provided in compressed form, either ZIP or RAR files.  We use free program IZArc to decompress files.  You've got to move your mods in here, so lets find it today. Open Windows Explorer, double click your hard disk, then open the folder Program Files, then Steam, then steamapps, then shared, then skyrim.  Now, simply drag the mod folder in this case it is called textures -- to the folder called'Info' in skyrim.  That's it!  When you run Skyrim, you will see your mod has taken effect!

Windows will alert you that you’re overwriting files, so press ‘OK’ to accept the changes. It’s best to make a backup of your Data folder before you start modding in case you need to return Skyrim to its original form.

If you're looking for more modern advice, try this guide to Skyrim, which covers the newer version of the game. It covers all the best Skyrim mods and how to install them.


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